How to increase the length of the penis or its width? Some men do not consider the size of their penis as ideal and are willing to make great efforts to increase it. So is it possible at home?
How to increase the length of the penis?
At the moment, there are many men who believe that the size of their penis is not enough to satisfy their partner and begin to doubt their abilities because of this.

But before you decide that the length or width of the penis is not enough, you need to determine what should be the normal size of the penis and what should be its ideal size for girls. There is probably no reason to doubt their abilities.
How to enlarge your penis? This can be done at the moment with a variety of methods. These are both surgical and non-surgical methods.
Ointments and tablets

Expert scientists assure that the positive effect behind such remedies is nothing more than self-hypnosis, as the drug does not affect the body in any way and has a placebo effect.
Difficultly it is difficult to refute such an opinion, as at present there is not a single credible piece of evidence that would accurately confirm the fact that the use of such tools in any way affects the length or width of the penis.
It is safe to say that such oils and pills do not have a negative effect on the male body, as they almost always contain ginseng, various herbs and yohimbe. Using such funds can strengthen your body, but will not affect penis size.
Exercises and weights to increase penis size

The manufacturing companies claim that if you wear a similar attribute every day for 8 hours, you can achieve a penis enlargement of a few centimeters. But this method is very dubious, as in this way you can only stretch the skin, but not the penis itself.
Before you start performing a series of exercises that seem to be supposed to affect the length and width of the penis, you need to understand that the penis is not the biceps. It is impossible to pump it.
Despite this, various training courses continue to gain popularity on the net, which seem to help change the size of the penis. For example, one of such complexes is called "jelqing". They say it involves a variety of exercises from Arabic techniques that have come down to us from ancient times.
Vacuum pump

As a result, a vacuum is formed, which stimulates blood flow to the genitals, in turn, becomes elevated and visually, of course, increases.
After the procedure, a small ring is fixed to the base of the penis, which prevents rapid blood flow. Although this is a popular technique, it cannot be considered safe because:
- premature impotence in the patient is not excluded;
- damage to blood vessels is possible, resulting in bruising;
- soft tissue damage is not excluded.
In addition, once the ring is removed from the penis, it will become exactly the same size as before.
Surgical penis enlargement

A magazine published an article 10 years ago, which stated that the maximum length with which a penis can be enlarged does not exceed 3 centimeters. At the moment, men are offered to do one of two surgeries.
Increase in length
It is no secret that it is due to the presence of small cords that the male penis is attached to the pelvis. What are the supporting ligaments, tightly connected to the penis and which hide a part of it in the depths of the body.
Surgical intervention involves the release of tension in the ligaments, which is achieved due to the fact that they are cut. As a result, after surgery, most of the penis becomes visible. However, there is a risk that in the future the ligaments will start to grow together again.
To avoid this side effect, a man will have to wear special traction devices on his penis every day for 6 months.
Penis enlargement in width

But after a while, doctors realized that adipose tissue begins to be absorbed in places, and as a result, the penis appears to be bumpy. After that, they began another operation, in which tissue transplanted from a genetically dissimilar organism is implanted in the penis, which is used in various types of reconstructive surgery.
Dr. J. Rosenthal claims that after the operation there are no side effects, as in the previous case. The result is really achieved, and lasts for more than a year. But, unfortunately, no one can give a 100% guarantee that the donor tissue after transplantation will behave properly.
In addition to these two common methods, there are others. For example, if the patient is very overweight, then you can visually increase the size of the penis using liposuction. During surgery, fatty tissue is removed from the base of the penis.
What conclusions can be drawn about penis enlargement methods?

Moreover, if a man tries to change the size of his penis with the help of such tools and does not get the desired result, he may become depressed, which as a result may also cause the appearance of psychogenic erectile dysfunction.
And this problem will have to be removed with the help of medication. Also, self-esteem can provoke premature ejaculation, which will also negatively affect the quality of your sex life.
The only way to really increase the length or width of the penis is through surgery. Any other method at best will not have any results, at worst they can even hurt you. Before deciding on any procedure, be sure to consult your doctor and weigh the pros and cons.
The whole truth about penile enlargement

It is generally accepted that manhood is of extraordinary size. Well, let’s say, not the type to insert a boot, but still. Many men become complex due to the small size of their main organ and start looking for different ways to enlarge it - fortunately, there are many offers online. However, many of them will not help but harm.
Do I have to prolong
We have analyzed the most popular methods offered today for penis enlargement. Separate, as they say, wheat from the husk.
The opportunity to prolong sexual dignity with the help of a certain simulator called an extender seems very tempting. It is promised that the organ mechanically stretches by 4-5 cm and even increases its volume by 1. 5 cm.
And also - they reduce its curvature and increase lust.
Despite the fact that many men say that the method helps them (the penis has grown by 1-2 cm within a few months), all of them note severe pain when wearing the device, which, by the way, should be worn every day. It is not comfortable. In addition, the extender does not help everyone. If the elasticity of the tunica albuginea of the penis decreases, it is useless to extend it.
Factors that affect penis length:
- heritage
- growth and development features
- hormonal status
- intrauterine growth disorders
Rub or do not rub
An even more dubious way to enlarge the penis is by rubbing magic creams and gels into it, which are sold in large quantities.
If you believe the advertisement, thanks to pectins and tannins, in just one week you can bring a male organ to a giant size. Meanwhile, doctors say penis enlargement creams are nothing but a hoax.
After all, if such funds could penetrate deeper than the epidermis, they would have to be registered as medicines and would not be available for sale. At best, the cream will not hurt.
But the introduction of gels, pastes, Vaseline under the skin of the penis is fraught with dangerous consequences, up to the loss of the skin of the penis and even the ability to erect. Such patients should be operated on in order to save the penis and restore its functions.
But a vacuum pump, which creates pressure, which is supposed to lead to an increase (another common method from the internet) can easily cause rupture of blood vessels. In addition, experts recognized the method as absolutely ineffective. From the massage offered by some craftsmen, or exercises, it is also unlikely to be beneficial. How to enlarge your penis
A man whose genitals are much smaller than average will not solve his problems by smearing his genitals with cream or hanging a weight on him. He should seek medical attention.
Today, the only really effective method for solving such an intimate problem, doctors call it a surgical operation, which will really help to grow the organ up to 5 cm. There are indications and contraindications. In addition, the organ does not always need to be enlarged.
The average penis size at rest is about 9 cm, erect - about 15. This is a statistic, not an ideal one to try.
How to increase penis thickness (all methods)
The possibility of penis enlargement has always worried men. Research shows that approximately 30-40% of men are dissatisfied with penis size. And the myth artificially created that the larger the size of the penis, the better, leads to the fact that there are more and more such dissatisfied people. In this regard, medicine is not standing still and is constantly evolving in terms of techniques and equipment to increase not only the length but also the thickness of the penis.

Basic techniques
Today, there are several techniques to help increase penis thickness. The undoubted advantage is that all are suitable for home use. So, among the main techniques, it is important to mention the following:
- Manual method.
- Vacuum pump.
- Length.
- A medical method based on the use of hormonal medications.
- Surgical intervention.
Let us examine each method in more detail:
One of the easiest methods of penis enlargement, according to men. Most importantly, the method has no side effects for the male body and does not require financial costs for assistive devices. You can enlarge the penis in length and thickness. For this, different exercises are used.
Importers It is important to understand that, technically, an increase in length means the extension of the tissues of the cave bodies, and their expansion can provide thickness. If it is not difficult to cause the stretching of the genital tissues in men by the manual method, then for enlargement a necessary condition is to maintain an erection for a certain time. This increases the risk of injury.
Exercises to increase penis thickness are most effective in an erect state. You should start training with low intensity loads, then you can gradually increase the intensity and complicate the exercises. Remember to warm up the tissues before you start exercising.
This can be done faster with hot water and a washing cloth. The other important point is the presence of abundant lubrication, you can use any gel lubricant. When you perform the exercise "dry" and without pre-heating the tissues, there is a high risk of damage to the penile tissue.
After preparation, continue with the exercise:
- Start by stroking.
- Gradually increase the pressure on the penis until you reach maximum collection.
- With one hand, hold in the area of the base of the penis, with the other gently pull the area of the glans.
- Keep pulling for a minute, then release the pressure, then repeat everything again.

There is another option to exercise to increase penis thickness at home. The preparatory phase is similar, that is, do not forget about heating and lubrication. Then grab the penis in the glans and start to gradually stretch and squeeze it. At the moment of maximum voltage, you should delay for a few seconds.
After exercise, a relaxing massage is recommended to help restore blood circulation. The downside is the length of the process.
This method helps not only to increase the length and thickness of the penis, but also to get rid of impotence. Men's vacuum pump is a cylinder with a pump. A penis is placed in this container and the pump gradually pumps air from the cylinder. As a result, it is possible to achieve significant penis enlargement in a short time.
Extenders are less well known than vacuum pumps. It is not recommended for use in men with anatomical abnormalities in the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system. The advantage is painless, effective and without side effects.
The extender allows you to adjust the tension and alignment of the penis. In the future, to achieve the best result, you can also use special rods.
It is believed that the result is already noticed after a month from the start of use. Importers It is important to note that the device does not stretch the cells of the structural elements of the organ, but helps to increase their number.
Therefore, the result obtained is stored for a long time.
This method has a narrow range of applications. Commonly used in adolescence, when the genitals in men are in the final stage of formation. Often the reason for the use of hormonal drugs is a dysfunction of the endocrine glands or abnormalities of genetic development.
Surgical intervention.
This is the most difficult and expensive way to increase penis thickness. But the results of such an intervention, as a rule, continue for a long time. Currently, a method is used that involves the insertion of adipose tissue under the skin of the penis. Thus, its thickness increases.
Importers It is important to remember that over time, this area of adipose tissue will be digested until it disappears completely.
Today, there are various options for increasing the thickness and length of the penis.
Each of the men can choose the most suitable method for themselves, ranging from home massage exercises to surgery.
What to do if a small penis
For most representatives of the strong half, penis size is an important parameter, both at the conscious and subconscious level.

The penis belongs to a man's external genitalia and is an important part of the body's urinary and reproductive system. The male penis has a base or root, which is located in the lower pelvis, a body and a head covered with the skin of the foreskin. Inside the penis, in its trunk, there are two cavernous bodies, in its lateral parts, and in the center is the sponge body and the urethra, which also serves for ejaculation. During an erection, the smooth muscle fibers of the cavernous bodies contract and venous blood accumulates in their cavity. Filling with blood leads to an enlarged undisturbed penis, it becomes elastic, which is very important for sexual intercourse. For most representatives of the strong half, penis size is an important parameter, both at the conscious and subconscious level.
Normal penis size
A man's penis size varies greatly and depends on individual factors such as genetics, race and intrauterine development. In urological practice, it is believed that the normal or physiological length of the penis is in the range of 10 to 17 cm.
In an undisturbed state, the length of the penis is from 7 to 10 cm. An important parameter is the perimeter of the penis, normally its thickness is from 3 to 4. 5 cm. It is believed that the upper border is very arbitrary and the size of the penis is not considered more than 17 cm pathological.
The largest penis prescribed by doctors is 32 cm in size and up to 15 cm in circumference, but this is an exception to the rule which is extremely rare. In a mature man, the size of the penis also depends on environmental factors.
Temperature factor plays an important role, when the ambient temperature decreases, the smooth muscles of the penis shrink and shrink, the size can decrease significantly and this is due to the reflex activity of the nervous system aimed at protecting the male genitals.
With an increase in ambient temperature, an inverse proportional reaction is observed, when the penis, on the contrary, enlarges due to increased blood circulation.
It is worth noting that a drop in the penis can occur in stressful situations, when a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood of a man, a hormone of the adrenal cortex, which has a very different effect, including the narrowing of almostall the blood vessels of the body. Spasm of the vessels of the penis leads to its reduction.
Abnormalities and causes of penis size
The small size of the penis is considered if its length is less than 10 cm in an erect state. Sizes less than 8 cm are already pathological and can cause various complications in the reproductive and psycho-emotional spheres of a man's life.
Men with small penis size often ask why a small penis is dangerous? The small size of the male penis (less than 8 cm) can be a sign of profound neuroendocrine disorders in the body.
In most cases, the slowing down of penis growth occurs due to insufficient production of the main sex steroid hormone in men - testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for the correct formation of secondary sexual characteristics in the male body.

Its physiological concentration is especially important in the period from 12 to 16 years, when there is an active maturation of all organs and systems of the adolescent. In some cases, the size of the penis may decrease in adulthood due to inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia. So with Peyronie’s disease, the formation of connective tissue plaques occurs in the body area of the penis. Over time, plaque leads to deformation of the penis and its curvature, as a result of which its length may decrease.
Measuring penis size

There is a certain technique for measuring the penis, after which you can get reliable data on the size of the male genitals. Under no circumstances should you measure the length of the penis with a ruler, such data will not be reliable and may lead to false conclusions. Length is measured in a vertical position, on a raised penis that is parallel to the floor.
The measurement is made along the upper surface of the penis from the base to the area where the body of the penis connects to the pubis, to the end of the bladder penis. The measurement is performed using a flexible measuring tape, which is placed on the upper surface of the penis, the measurement on the lower side is considered inaccurate.
Also, the measured length in a sitting position or when bending is considered to be inaccurate. The size of the penis in the circle is also measured when the penis is erect. The tape measures three circles: in the crown area of the glans penis, in the middle of the body and at its base, then the arithmetic mean is calculated - this is the perimeter of the penis.
The impact of a small penis on sex life and childbirth
A man can ask questions such as what to do if the penis has become smaller? First you need to understand that the size of the penis depends on age, psychological state. And for most women, a penis size of 10 cm or more is satisfactory.
Do not worry if your penis does not change significantly, size variability within an inch and a half is normal. Importers It is important to know that a 8. 5 cm penis, despite its small size, is able to not only satisfy a woman but also produce the conception process.
In most cases, men tend to believe that the bigger the penis, the better, but this is not entirely correct. On the contrary, the large size of the penis can cause discomfort during sexual intercourse due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female vagina. On the other hand, the size of the penis is less than 8 cm.
are pathological and require correction and plastic surgery, as they can cause not only psychological stress in a man, but also cause infertility.
Small penis in a child
What if the baby has a small penis? Importers It is important for parents to know that the size of the baby's penis is practically irrelevant until the onset of puberty and it is almost impossible to predict its size in the future.
It is worth thinking about penis size over the age of 14, usually the pathology associated with small penis size in a child has a hormonal nature and this condition is diagnosed during routine examinations by a urologist.
Therapeutic tactics
The small size of the penis in adolescence is suitable for drug therapy, for this a specialist urologist determines the level of testosterone in the blood of the child and makes hormonal corrections for the further physiological maturation of the boy.
In cases where the size of the penis is small already in adulthood, surgical intervention is used to correct the size.
Surgical intervention on the male external genitalia carries a small part of the risk of developing internal and postoperative complications, but with modern security and the use of specialized equipment, the risk is very small. To increase the size of the penis, surgeons perform an operation called phalloplasty.
For this, the sling ligament is transected, which joins the spongy body to the lower end of the pubic bone. Such an operation is called ligomentotomy and allows you to lengthen the penis by 2-3 cm due to the part of the penis hidden behind the pubis.

It is worth noting that other types of treatment, such as the use of vacuum devices, special devices for penis enlargement and oils, are ineffective and can even harm health. The best solution would be to consult a specialist about this. Take care of your body and be healthy!
A thick and long penis is always a reason for pride in young men and admiration for women. But, unfortunately, nature does not reward everyone with such a member. For many, it is small in diameter.
Do not despair of boys whose penis thickness is below average. If you want, you can increase its width at home.
You just need to follow all the above recommendations as well as massage the body or put on and wear an extender, vacuum pump or cock ring on it for some time.
However, men who decide to enlarge the penis circle should realize that the desired effect will not appear immediately, but only after a few months.